


I will take care of it!

Most documents for translation are still delivered in MS Word. Nevertheless, there are many other formats. You can deliver your data sheets in MS Excel and your presentations in MS PowerPoint. Translating documents in the latest format of MS Office 2007 is also no problem. Or do you prefer to work with the free OpenOffice?

I also accept documents as PDF\'s. They will be converted into MS Word or MS Excel.

Regarding translation of web pages, you can deliver the document in MS Word, MS Excel, HTML or XML. So that there is no extra work for you or the company in charge of your web pages.

The most important DTP-formats are welcome as well.

Goal: Translate the text and leave everything else untouched.

I use CAT-Tools (CAT - Computer Aided Translation) when translating, which offer several benefits. One of them is extraction of text to be translated from the document. Everything else as font, pictures, colour, links, text fields etc. remains untouched.

Result: Identical document in the same format, „only” in a different language.

List of basic formats:

  • Ms Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Office 2007)
  • PDF (PDF in different versions)
  • Web (HTML, XML)
  • DTP (Quark Xpress, Adobe In-Desegn, Frame Maker)
  • Other (txt, rtf, Tag Editor, ...)

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